Sustainable eating involves improving the way we eat and protecting our planet.

In order to do this, seasonal local products need to be used wherever possible.

But do you know why?

Because the journey from the producer to your plate is shorter! 

To help you fully understand, I’m going to tell you the story of Mrs Potato.

Mrs Potato, who was grown in Denmark, has to head off to Morocco to be peeled, recross the Mediterranean by boat, then finally travel by lorry to Belgium.

Once in Belgium, she gets chopped up, packaged and frozen, then stored in large refrigerators. And it doesn’t end there. She continues on her journey, again by lorry, and gets distributed to all the supermarkets in Europe.

Mrs Potato will therefore have travelled more than 5,000 kilometres via different types of transport, using petrol and a great deal of electricity, before she finally ends up on your plate!

Little Chef Panda is speechless!

He whispers in my ear that it’s simpler if you buy potatoes from the corner shop then help mum peel and fry them so you can enjoy a wonderful plate of crispy chips, and that Mrs Potato doesn’t want to travel as much any more!

And it’s true to say that Lee is right: making chips yourself takes 10 minutes, and it’s better for your health too.

It also means the planet will be less polluted thanks to you!

Claire-Sophie Lozia.

So that, my friend, is what sustainable eating is: ‘Being responsible for what you eat in order to better protect the planet.’

Lee has a simple and delicious recipe for you to try that uses sustainable eating ideas.

He’s decided to opt for seasonal strawberries.

So let’s get started!

Strawberry jam 

Preparation time: 15 minutes

Standing time: 1 night

Cooking time: 12 minutes


  • 500 g strawberries
  • 375 g sugar
  • 1 organic lemon

1- Clean the strawberries and remove their stalks.

2- Put the strawberries and the sugar in a large bowl and cover with cling film or kitchen foil. Leave to steep in a cool place overnight.

3- The following day, bring your mixture to the boil in a pan and cook for 10 minutes, stirring often.

4- Lower the temperature and leave to cook for a further 2 minutes.

5- Leave your jam to cool, pour in your lemon juice, mix it all together… and it’s ready!

6- Put the jam in a nice pot and pop it somewhere cool.

Your breakfast will never be the same again!


The words of  Little Chef Panda!